N° 38
November 17, 2003

A mole at the Bumda

It seems that the Malian Authors Rights Office (Bumba) has decided at last to implement one of the recommendations of the reflect days about piracy which took place last September. These recommendations advised the ministry of culture and the one of industry and commerce to organise urgently seizure operation for the artistic pirated works.
One remembers that a few weeks after this meeting, the BUMDA has organised a roundup at the Dabanani. But the harvest was very small because they seized only about one thousand pirated tapes imported in our country. Despite the small harvest, the office expanded his action to the country where buying a legal tape is becoming more and more difficult because of the scale of piracy. So the agents of the Bumda were recently in Sikasso and Koutiala for anti-piracy operations.
In Sikasso, the agents seized about six thousands (6.000) pirated works including tapes, CD and DVD. But they found nothing n Koutiala. Even if the Bumda has the merit to have resisted to the pressure of some administrative, political and judicial authorities, it’s undeniable that the harvest was very small. A so long placement for a so small seizure is not encouraging at all.
The true is that the shopkeepers of Sikasso and Koutiala were already informed about the seizure before the arrival of the agents of the Bumda. So they had the time to hid most of the illicit merchandise. Then the small fishes were caught instead of the sharks. Almost only pirated tapes are sold in the majority of the towns of Mali. So we must think that there was a leak in the preparation of this operation. It’s undeniable that the leak is in the Bumda because except its agents, nobody else seemed to be informed about the action.
The operation at the Dabanani has suffered of the same leak because a lot of shops were closed when the agents passed. So it’s undeniable that there is a mole in the structure who informs the pirates anytime such decisions are taken. As long as this mole won’t be known, the operations will not have the expected results and nobody will be able to judge about the real capacities of the Bumda.

Habib Koité is back from his Australian tour.
Habib Koité and his band Bamada are back from their Australian tour. During two weeks, the prince of the Khaso and his musicians have been travelling in Australia to distil the enjoyable Donso dansa with rumba, blues, and Latino sonorities. A wonderful tour that added a lot to the prestige of the huge international stars.
The Bamada came back earlier than Habib because he stayed in Europe to make a tour with a South African and a Dutchman with whom he has just release an album. This album which is very appreciated by the Europeans will surely soon be available at MALI K7. Habib will share a new experience with his young admirers at the end of the month. The prince will make a concert for children on November 29th at the French cultural centre; and at night, it will be for the parents who will surely forget all their problems admiring Habib on stage.

Salif Keita and his band have ended their European tour which lasted two months. The band arrived in Bamako on last 12 from Paris. From sources close o the Moffou, the tour will begin again in January 2004.

The next album of Souley Kanté is awaited for soon in Bamako. The album was recorded in Bamako at the studio Bogolan and is entitled Bi Magni. It’s produced by Ali Landouré. At the eve of the east of the Ramadan, this melodious album sows promise.

Lassy King Massassy arrived in Bamako last Friday from Paris were he made some concerts. The dedication concert of his album is planned for November 30th, 2003 at the stadium Mamadou Konaté at 4 o’clock. We hope that this concert will crowd the stadium; this is why a huge tombola has been organised with it. We’ll talk about it in the next Mags.

The double albums of Youssou N'Dour Réer vol. 1 and vol. 2 and "FEE" and "FII" of Viviane N’Dour, the climbing star of the Senegalese music, will soon be available on all the Malian territory thanks to MALIK7 SA.

Best Sales 2003 in Mali
  Artiste Album
Seydou Camara Mali Den
Madou Camara & Mah Kouyaté  
Mamou Sidibé
Salif Keïta
Tata Diakité Hommage (Best Of)
Rokia Traoré
Kon Kan Ko Sata
Djos Samaké
Idrissa Soumaoro
Amy Koïta